High School Teacher Matthew Clapp Takes on New Club Managing Position

By Cynthia Wang

OCTOBER 16th – A new club managing position has been filled by high school social studies teacher Matthew Clapp.

Having joined SAS Pudong just last year, Mr. Clapp is excited to take on this position, citing several club-related positions that he has held in the previous schools he worked in. “I’ve always been involved in other schools that I’ve worked in,” he said, “whether as a club advisor or [a manager] for a group of clubs.

So far, Mr. Clapp has hosted one meeting during break last Friday with representatives from all clubs. He introduced a spreadsheet where club executives can fill in their club name, executive officers’ names, faculty advisor name, and regular meeting location. They also can categorize their club as a service, charitable, or interest club – a new procedure that Mr. Clapp believes would assist in organizing existing clubs and making the system more sustainable.

“Just trying to help make sure that we have a vibrant, rich club program,” Clapp said, “but at the same time, one that is sustainable, one that’s going to last for current students involved.”

Clapp also confirmed that plans are underway for a new club approval system as to avoid overlap and club sustainability, specifically pertaining to the issue of clubs dying off as senior executives graduate.

“That’s my hope for the second half of the year,” he said, “just trying to figure out how we can make this program sustainable so that clubs continue and that we don’t have ten clubs doing the same thing. We want to eliminate some of the overlap, consolidate clubs if that’s needed, while at the same time allowing kids to really find what they are interested in and have a club that they could call their own.”

Clapp says that he is “excited about the position, excited to see the ideas that students bring to the table,” and is hopeful that “a better sense of community [can be built] through the club work.”