The Yard Sale is an annual event hosted by the Children’s service club. Each and every year, proceeds go to the Baobei foundation in Shanghai where the main purpose is to cloth and house orphans whilst finding them foster and permanent families. This year an overwhelming amount of SAS students, parents, and teachers donated and created an impressive stock that was put for sale. Furthermore, in actuality, the Baobei foundation is not the only people who benefit from this event. In fact the main consumers who purchase the items are SAS’s bus monsters, ayis, security guards, and drivers. When approached and asked who they were purchasing the items for, one security guard responded in saying he was purchasing a few items for his daughter. Another few ayis were seen FaceTiming with some friends and family, they stated that because of the low prices the items retailed for, this was a perfect opportunity to purchase necessities for their loved ones and even extended families’ loved ones. Through this we can see that The Yard sale is a wonderful opportunity that benefits many different audiences, and I encourage everyone to either donate or purchase a few items every year knowing who your help can benefit.
Article by Annabella Zhang.
Photos by Emerald Jiang.