Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sounds of space battles?
From: Confused
Dear Confused,
That’s an interesting question. You certainly have the right to believe that NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sounds of space battles, but if you’re asking my own opinion, I probably wouldn’t agree with you there.
To begin with, there’s a lot of evidence that thunderstorms existed long before NASA did. NASA was founded in 1958, but there are recorded mentions of thunder from way before then. Even in the Bible!
It’s also important to remember that NASA is an American institute. Now that countries like Russia and China have been to space, it’s only reasonable to assume that, if there were space battles, they would have seen them, too. NASA may be able to make thunderstorms around the world, but there’s nothing stopping any other astronauts from telling everyone about space battles.
Finally, I can’t see any reason why NASA would do this. The people who work at NASA aren’t Men in Black, they’re space nerds who just like learning about stars and planets. They’ve even sent out a hard drive to potential intelligent alien life, with instructions to get to Earth. If there were really space battles happening, I think NASA would be the first to tell everyone.
Overall, you’re definitely an original thinker, but I would encourage you to think in a different direction.