I can feel the senioritis setting in. How do I stay motivated when I’ve already gotten into college?
From, Elderly man
Dear elderly man,
You are not alone in feeling this way. One of the resident senior indentured servant student press staff members can attest to this. Realistically, know that you are only two months, a break, and a handful of assessments away from graduating and beginning a new stage in your life. Simply crossing out the days on your calendar can make that distance more tangible for you and see the light at the end of a (quickly approaching) tunnel.
But of course, you’re here for advice on how to live through those agonising two months. Recall what motivated you when you first entered high school. When college applications were still on the back-burner of your thoughts, what motivated you to do your work and do it well? Try to harness that same mindset now. What motivated me then was to work hard for when I eventually apply to college, you might say. And now that you already finished your applications and received a college offer, hard work seems pointless. But remember: hard work is never pointless. You will still need that same work ethic to carry you through the college workload, and later the work workload. Treat it as a muscle: now you are in the maintenance stage, and summer break is where you can relax and prepare to use it again when you begin your first college semester.
I hope this helps.
Yours, Askolotl