Top 3 Underrated Chinese Street Food (in my Humble Opinion)

When it comes to street food, the varieties we have in China could fill an encyclopedia. Nation wide, and even world wide, we are known for our various dumplings, pancakes, steamed rolls (baozi) and more. However, there many dishes or snacks that also deserve this fame and acclaim. Below, you will be introduced to 3 of my favorite underrated Chinese street foods. What is it? Although it may sound intimidating, duck’s blood vermicelli soup is exactly what it is. That is, with the addition of duck intestines, duck liver, duck gizzard, tofu and cilantro. But don’t worry, I’ve eaten it … Continue reading Top 3 Underrated Chinese Street Food (in my Humble Opinion)

Experiences at Studio Architanz, a Melting Pot of Talented Dancers

Studio Architanz is a large ballet studio in Tokyo offering a range of classes from beginner ballet, to advanced pointe, to contemporary classes. During my short trip to Tokyo, I had the pleasure of attending a Sunday free level ballet class. I went in expecting a chill 1.5 hour class and came out too stunned to speak. Coming in around ten minutes early, I realized I was already late. Most people had already arrived and were warming up when I peeked through the window. At the same time, I was immediately impressed by the size of the classroom: it could … Continue reading Experiences at Studio Architanz, a Melting Pot of Talented Dancers