Looking for Home: A Review of Post-Homeroom Community-Building Initiatives at SASPDHS

Four years ago, the 2017-2018 school year saw a host of new changes to SASPDHS—one of the most notable was the removal of the old morning homeroom session. Replacing it was a series of new alternatives—beginning with Common Ground and closing with our current program of Advisory—occurring during the Flexi timeslot, another new addition. Continue reading Looking for Home: A Review of Post-Homeroom Community-Building Initiatives at SASPDHS

Common Ground, Project Wayfinder, Advisory: Necessary But Not Everyone’s Favorite

In my four-year journey, what we now call “advisory” went through significant changes. The system was often torn apart and built from scratch. In my freshman year came Common Ground, then Project Wayfinder, and finally Advisory, which also went through quite a change amid the novel virus. After going through these programs for four years, I feel more confident in providing my feelings and understandings about them. Continue reading Common Ground, Project Wayfinder, Advisory: Necessary But Not Everyone’s Favorite

A Pandemic’s Crisis of Trust

There is little question that the COVID-19 pandemic has made people more distrustful of one another. In a time when anyone and anything could be a disease carrier, it is difficult to not be suspicious. A visceral manifestation of this distrust is violent xenophobia, expressed in public acts of brutality against Asians: a Singaporean University College London (UCL) student in the streets of London, and even an Asian-American family and child in a Texas supermarket. Such distrust shows when people dub COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus.” It shows when people inside China call it “Wuhan pneumonia” and panic at the … Continue reading A Pandemic’s Crisis of Trust